How to exchange your thoughts in a conversation
I think when you speak or argue your opinion, it is important to make at least two sentences that consist of more than basic forms (subject, verb, and object) to form a paragraph. In that way, the audience can follow your story easily and understand the main point of your opinion. Speaking only a simple sentence is lukewarm. Or if you already just spoke that kind of sentence, add more details in a calm manner. Confidence is the key.
Even if you're worried that you're going to make a stupid grammar or word choice mistake, that doesn't matter at all when you argue something from your heart. Other people will notice it, too. Just decide what you want to argue or clarify and make up a few paraphrasing. And then, open your heart to listen to the counterpart's argument and continue to keep exchanging thoughts. I think this is the basic way of doing a productive conversation.
I didn't know what to say when I got attention in the meeting because of my lack of experience of speaking for longer than few minutes. But now I realized that logical speaking is not different from logical writing. It only needs three things. First, your firm opinion, second, the reasons to enhance that opinion, and then the paraphrasing of your main point for the smooth wrap-up.
I thank deeply some of my friends who are really curious about my thoughts, open to hearing what I'm saying, and led me to realize this simple but valuable lesson!