단어 채집: 뭔가 마음에 들지 않을 때 쓰면 좋은 단어들
2021. 6. 1. 10:47
Context: When someone suggests or argues something, especially something related to the organization's standard, and if that idea looks weird or unsatisfied to accept as a standard from my perspective.
- Address: verb. to speak or write to someone:
- He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience.
- He likes to be addressed as "Sir" or "Mr Partridge".
- '주소'라는 명사말고도 위 뜻의 동사로도 많이 쓰인다.
- Incoherent: adj. expressed in a way that is not clear, especially with ideas or words that are not connected in a sensible or clear way
- handwavy: adj. vague and inaccurate
- 이 말도 위의 incoherent와 같이 기억해 두면 좋을듯.
- beholder: noun. a person who sees or looks at someone or something